There is a large amount of alcohol use during adolescence and the adolescent brain is uniquely susceptible to the effects of alcohol.Exposure to excessive amounts of alcohol during adolescence results in acute loss of control with increased accidents, assaults and impaired cognitive and social functioning. In addition alcohol produces long standing changes in brain function that lead to increased impulsivity, impaired cognitive function and alcohol dependence in adult hood.
- How prevalent is alchhol use in adolescense
- How prevalent are alcohol use disorders in collece and what increases it.
- How does age of onset of drinking relate to age of first dependence on alcohol
- Does advertising increase youth drinking?
- Can alcohol use lead to marijuana use and to cocaine us?
- Exposure to which regular drinking family member increases adolescent drinking the most?
- Does early life adversity and illness increase alcohol problems?
- How do acute alcohol effects differ between adolescent and adult rats
- Does alcohol in adolescense cause changes in motor and cognitive function in adulthood?
- Do alcohol effects on memory seen in adolescent rats persist up to age 25 in humans?
- How could neurobiologic effects of alcohol in adolescense explain alcohol-age effects?
- Describe the effects of alcohol on brain structure
- Summary
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