How prevalent are alcohol use disorders in collece and what increases it.

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  • Up to 20% of students aged 18 -- 24 have an alcohol use disorder. In college freshman assessed with self-report, 40% report binge drinking and 19% report drinking over 10 drinks in a single occasion. This data indicates a high prevalence of binge drinking in college.

    A Large Number of College Students Have Alcohol Use Disorders
    A Large Number of College Students Have Alcohol Use Disorders

    Data from 2,188 males and females interviewed in the USA in 2001-2002 using DSM-IV Diagnosis. Data from self reported 2 week drinking histories of 6,362 first-semester male freshmen from 14 schools in the USA in the fall of 2003. Females had lower rates of binge drinking (34% binge drinking). (A. Constructed from data in Blanco, C. et al. Arch Gen Psych, 65: 1429, 2008)(B. Constructed from data in White, A.M. et al. Alcohol Clin Exp Res, 30: 1006, 2006) ©2008 NBEP

  • The odds ratio for binge drinking is markedly increased for students residing in fraternities or sororities. The probability of the binge drinking is also increased in individuals reporting that parties are important, that they used marijuana, that binged in high school and that use cigarettes. This indicates there are important environmental and social factors and pressures that contribute to a binge drinking in college.

    Characteristics of Binge Drinking in College
    Characteristics of Binge Drinking in College

    50% of men and 35% of women binged. Binging is associated with a party oriented life and risky behaviors. Binge drinking is defined as 5 or more drinks (4 for women) per episode in past 2 weeks.From 17,952 students in 140 campuses in 1993. Data from odds ratio over 1.5 from final logistic regression compared to answering no to that question.(Constructed from data in Weschler, H. et al. Am J Pub Health, 85: 921, 1995) ©2008 NBEP