Long-term potentiation (LTP) is one of the fundamental neurobiologic mechanisms involved in learning and memory. Alcohol produces more inhibition of LTP in adolescent rats than adults. This could directly relate to the increase sensitivity of alcohol induced cognitive impairments a seen in adolescence.
Alcohol Produces More Inhibition of Long Term Potentiation (LTP) in Adolescent Rats than Adult Rats
Neurogenesisis off great importance during development and in the hippocampus it continues throughout adult hood. Neurogenesis has been linked to learning and memory. There is a much greater production of new cells in the hippocampus in juvenile animals and it progressively decreases in to adult hood including middle aged and aged animals.
There is a Marked Decrease in Hippocampus Dentate Gyrus Cell Proliferation Across the Life Span of a Rat Which is Larger the Younger the Rat -
It has been demonstrated that adolescent rats are very sensitive to alcohol effects on inhibition of neurogenesis at levels of alcohol that are relevant to the amount of alcohol consumed in humans.
Adolescent Rats are Very Sensitive to Alcohol Inhibition of Neurogenesis. -
It is of major interest that alcohol induced impairment of neurogenesis is greater and adolescent rats compared to adults even though and the blood-alcohol levels were lower in the adolescent rats. The increased sensitivity of impairment of neurogenesis in adolescence could be an important factor contributing to the greater impairment of cognitive function in adolescence following alcohol.
Adolescent Rats are More Sensitive to Alcohol Induced Inhibition of Neurogenesis than Adults. -
One of the major common effects of drugs of abuse is to increase dopamine levels in the nucleus accumbens. It has been found that exposure to alcohol during adolescence increases dopamine levels in the nucleus accumbens in adult hood.
Alcohol Exposure During Adolescence Produces Increased Dopamine Levels in the Nucleus Accumbens in Adulthood. -
When acute doses of alcohol were administered to adult rats, those that were exposed to alcohol during adolescence had increased elevation of dopamine levels. The exposure to alcohol during adolescence can produce increased dopamine effects of alcohol that persist into adult hood and this may serve as the basis for the increased alcohol preference in those animals exposed to alcohol during adolescence
Alcohol Drinking During Adolescence in Alcohol-Preferring Rats Produces Increased Dopamine Uptake and an Increased Elevation of Dopamine Levels Following Alcohol Administration in Adulthood.
- How prevalent is alchhol use in adolescense
- How prevalent are alcohol use disorders in collece and what increases it.
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- Exposure to which regular drinking family member increases adolescent drinking the most?
- Does early life adversity and illness increase alcohol problems?
- How do acute alcohol effects differ between adolescent and adult rats
- Does alcohol in adolescense cause changes in motor and cognitive function in adulthood?
- Do alcohol effects on memory seen in adolescent rats persist up to age 25 in humans?
- How could neurobiologic effects of alcohol in adolescense explain alcohol-age effects?
- Describe the effects of alcohol on brain structure
- Summary
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