Do alcohol effects on memory seen in adolescent rats persist up to age 25 in humans?

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  • In the rat studies the exact correspondence of post-natal rat age to human adolescence and adulthood is not possible to determine. Also it is not possible to conduct experimental studies in humans under the age of 21 because it is illegal for them to ingest alcohol. One study done in 21 -- 24-year-old humans compared to 25 -- 29-year-old humans demonstrated that alcohol increased memory impairment in the younger group. This indicates that the increased sensitivity to acute effects of alcohol seen in adolescence can persist even up to at least age 25.

    Alcohol Produces Greater Memory Impairment in Younger Human Adults than Slightly Older Human Adults
    Alcohol Produces Greater Memory Impairment in Younger Human Adults than Slightly

    On 2 separate days 1 week apart 12 healthy male and female subjects who drank 2-4 drinks/week ingested alcohol (0.6 g/kg) or placebo. Peak blood alcohol (.078 mg/dl) occurred at 40 min after ingestion and memory tests were administered at 70-110 min when blood alcohol was .07 mg/dl. Alcohol also produced greater memory impairment in younger subjects on immediate recall on the complex figure task than slightly older subjects but alcohol induced impairment on the delayed free recall on the verbal learning test were equal in the younger and slightly older subjects.(Constructed from data in Acheson, S.K. et al. Alcohol Clin Exp Res, 22: 1437, 1998) ©2008 NBEP