Knowledge and the best practice the in the field of medicine are constantly changing. As new information and experience is obtained, changes in professional practice and medical treatment are required. The editors in contributors to Drillkit have reviewed the sources of information presented to insure, to the degree possible, that it is accurate and generally in accord with the the accepted standards at the time it was written. Practitioners and others utilizing the information in Drillkit must rely on the their own knowledge and experience when evaluating and using the information presented in Drillkit of the methods and experiments, drugs, and treatments described. They should evaluate and consider of the safety of other individuals and their own safety where they have a professional responsibility with respect to the drugs and treatments described in Drillkit. Users of Drillkit are advised to ascertain the FDA status of each drug, device, or treatment to be used in clinical practice and to obtain the most current information provided by the manufacturer of each product used. It is the responsibility of the practitioners to inform themselves, and to use their knowledge of their patients and their own experience to determine the drugs and dosages and other aspects of treatment for their individual patients and to take all the appropriate safety precautions. Application of the information in Drillkit in each situation is the professional responsibility of the practitioner. To the fullest extent of the current law, the institutions involved and the editors and contributors to Drillkit give no warrenty, expressed or implied, for errors or omissions and for the completeness, accuracy and currency of the content of Drillkit. They do not assume any liability for any type of injury and/or damage to any persons or types of property regarding products liability, negligence or otherwise or for any use or operation of the ideas, instructions, methods or products described in Drillkit.