Below are all of the Clinical Cases of DrillKit.
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Case Title | Case Focus |
Food Addiction Cases 4 Cases |
Diagnosing Food Addiction Genetic, Cultural, and Environment in Obesity, Food Addiction, & Binge Eating Treatment of Food Addiction |
Alcohol Withdrawal This case focuses on Alcohol Withdrawal. |
Alcohol Withdrawal |
Adolescent Drinking (Sneaky Teen is Not Squeeky Clean) Case focuses on epidemiology, genetics, risk factors and consequences of alcohol use in adolescence. |
Alcohol and Adolescense Genetics and Alcohol Use Disorders |
Binge Drinking in College (Rebel Without a Cause) Case focuses on binge drinking in college, and acute and long term motor and cognitive effects and risk of cocaine addiction from alcohol use in adolescence.
Alcohol and Adolescense Genetics and Alcohol Use Disorders |
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) Case focuses on epidemiology, diagnosis, prevention, pathogenic mechanisms and management of FAS |
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome |