Does advertising increase youth drinking?

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  • The United States media markets spend approximately 1.2 billion on advertising alcohol drinks each year. For each dollar spent above the per capita average per capita drinking increased 3%.

    Alcohol Advertising Increases Youth Drinking
    Alcohol Advertising Increases Youth Drinking

    For each alcohol advertisement viewed and for each dollar spent on alcohol advertising above the per capita average, per capita drinking increases 1% and 3% respectively.Between April 1999 and Feb 2001, youth ages 15-26 living in areas represented by 24 US Nielsen media markets were randomly selected and interviewed by telephone about alcohol consumption and exposure to alcohol advertising. 61% drank within the past month. At baseline, 60% of the sample was younger than 21. Average monthly per capita exposure to advertising was 22.7 adds and drinking was 29 drinks. US media markets spend approximately $ 1.2 billion on alcohol advertising each year.(Constructed from data in Saffer, H. et al. J Stud Alc, 14: 173, 2002 and Snyder, L.B. et al. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med, 160: 18, 2004) ©2008 NBEP