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  • Since different alcohol containing drinks contains about the same amount of alcohol, the concept of one drink has been used to quantify the amount of alcohol intake at the clinical level. With 1-2 drinks there is mild euphoria less anxiety and increased sociability and with over 3 drinks there is less social inhibition, impaired reasoning and judgment. With 4-5 drinks there is impairment of cognitive function and motor coordination and with 10 drinks impaired consciousness and memory blackout. Ethanol is metabolized to acetaldehyde, which can cause flushing, sweating, dizziness and headache. Individuals with impaired metabolism of acetaldehyde suffer a number of un-pleasant symptoms after ingesting alcohol. Methyl alcohol is metabolized to formaldehyde and formic acid both of which are toxic. Isopropyl alcohol, which is toxic, is metabolized to acetone. Per drink, increased body weight decreases the blood alcohol level (BAL) and the BAL is higher in women. There is an acute tolerance to alcohol with motor impairment decreasing much more rapidly than cognitive impairment. Subjective elation occurs on a rising BAL curve and decreases rapidly while BAL levels are still elevated. Rising blood alcohol levels impair both reaction time and accuracy while falling BAL levels only impair accuracy. Heavy drinkers show marked tolerance to the motor impairment produced by alcohol.