How does subjective elation and intoxication relate to rising and falling BAL?

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  • Alcohol is primarily ingested in order to produce a variety of “pleasant” effects. It is of considerable importance that subjective ratings of elation occur early while blood alcohol levels are rising and that they decrease toward normal even while blood alcohol levels are considerably elevated. In contrast, ratings of intoxication last much longer and more closely follow the blood alcohol curve (although intoxication returns to low levels even though blood alcohol is still elevated).

    Acute Tolerance to Alcohol.
    Acute Tolerance to Alcohol.

    Following a single dose of alcohol, subjective ratings of Elation and Intoxication increase in parallel with the Blood Alcohol Concentration, but they return to normal much earlier while blood alcohol levels are still elevated. 8 males about 22-26 years old drank approximately 3 standard 'drinks' over 10-15 minutes before repeated measurements were made. (Constructed from data in Ekman G, et al, Psychopharmacologia, 6:399, 1964)