What are the factors that alter the relationship between drinks ingested and BAL?

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  • The most important factors are body weight and sex.

    Lower body weight reduces the number of drinks for blood alcohol to reach the legal limit for driving.
    Lower body weight reduces the number of drinks for blood alcohol to reach the le

    It takes only 2 drinks for a 100 lb woman to exceed the legal blood alcohol limit for driving. It takes 3 drinks for a 140 lb woman to exceed the legal blood alcohol limit for driving. It takes 4 drinks for a 180 lb woman to exceed the legal blood alcohol limit for driving. Therefore, an increase of 40 lbs in weight allows for 1 more drink before the legal limit is reached. This relationship is also seen in men. (Constructed from data in Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board, 1995)

  • With the same weight for a standard drink women have higher BAL than men.

    women have higher BAL than men
    women have higher BAL than men
  • Other factors that alter the rate of alcohol absorption include:

    • Empty stomach – increase absorption
    • Carbonation of beverage – increase absorption
    • Drugs (aspirin, ulcer/heartburn medications like “Tagamet/Zantac”) – decrease gastric metabolism and thereby increase blood levels