What are the motor and cognitive impairments along the ascending and falling BAL curve?

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  • There are important differences (during rising and falling blood alcohol levels) in the reaction time and accuracy of performance over the duration of exposure to elevated blood alcohol levels.

    Alcohol Produces Differential Effects on Executive Cognitive Function on the Rising and Falling Limbs of the Blood Alcohol Curve.
    Alcohol Produces Differential Effects on Executive Cognitive Function on the Ris

    Reaction time of executive cognitive function is impaired during the rising but not the falling limb of the blood alcohol curve, while accuracy of executive cognitive function is impaired during both the rising and falling limbs. On average, testing during the rising limb of the blood alcohol concentration (BAC) was at about 70 minutes and the falling BAC at about 110 minutes after alcohol injection with a BAC of 0.08 - 0.09 gm/100ml at each time. (Data from 4 studies reviewed in Schweizer TA and Vogel-Sprott M, Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology, 16:240, 2008)