What are the persistent effects of alcohol after BAL reaches 0?

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  • A major safety issue (in airline pilots and other sensitive jobs) is how long behavioral impairments last after prior alcohol exposure. In more complex tasks impairment can be seen at low blood alcohol levels and even after blood levels have recently returned to 0.

    Low Blood Alcohol Levels Impair Detection of Angular Acceleration and Impairment Remains Even After Blood Alcohol Returns to Zero.
    Low Blood Alcohol Levels Impair Detection of Angular Acceleration and Impairment

    12 certified private pilots were tested in a flight simulator at 3 times: before, during, and after drinking. 6 had taken alcohol and 6 placebo. A low blood level of alcohol impaired detection of changes in angular motion but it did not impair performance of simpler tasks. The effect of alcohol was insensitive to work load suggesting that it was not caused by changes in attention. (Constructed from data in: Ross LE and Mughni WN, Aviat Space Environ Med, 66:635, 1995; and Ross LE, Aviat Space Environ Med, 67:1148, 1966)

  • Following higher initial blood alcohol levels (4 – 5 drinks), impairment can be seen even 14 hours later, several hours after alcohol blood levels have returned to normal. This type of data could be used to require airline pilots to not drink for over 24 – 48 hours prior to flying.

    A 14 Hour Alcohol 'Hangover' Impairs Performance.
    A 14 Hour Alcohol 'Hangover' Impairs Performance.

    10 navy pilots performed in a flight simulator 14 hours after drinking alcohol to raise blood levels to 0.1 gm/100 ml and were compared to the same testing at least 48 hours after the last drink of alcohol. Mean performance on each of the 6 test measures was impaired and reached statistical significance (for average yaw on takeoff). (Constructed from data in: Yesavage JA and Lierer VO, Am J Psychiatry, 143:1546, 1986)