What social and ethnic factors alter smoking prevalence rates?

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    • Age: 24% for ages 18-24 compared to 10% for those over 65.
    • Sex: 22% for men compared to 17% for women.
    • Education: Over 28% of individuals without a high school diploma smoke compared to 9% of college graduates.
    • Social economic status: Over 28% of individuals below the federal poverty level smoke compared to 18% of those above the poverty level, and 28% of those without health insurance compared to 17% of the insured.
    • Occupation: 30% of workers in construction and extraction, food preparation and serving, and transportation and material moving compared to 9% of workers in legal, life, physical and social science, and education training and library.
    • Race/ethnicity: Over 32% on Native Americans smoke compared to 22% for Whites, 18% for African-Americans, 14% for Hispanics and 10% for Asians.