Tobacco use is 18% of the preventable causes of death, and the percent due to tobacco is 4 times higher than alcohol and 9 times greater than motor vehicle accidents.
Preventable causes of death
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- Introduction Epidemiology
- History
- What % of preventable causes of death are due to tobacco compared to other causes?
- How does the prevalence of tobacco smoking vary across countries and gender
- In the USA what is the prevalence of smoking and other tobacco use?
- What social and ethnic factors alter smoking prevalence rates?
- List risk factors that increase smoking.
- What public health interventions can reduce smoking?
Related Clinical Cases
- Adolescent Drinking (Sneaky Teen is Not Squeeky Clean)
- Alcohol Withdrawal focuses on
- Binge Drinking in College (Rebel Without a Cause)
- Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) focuses on
Related Quizzes
- Alcohol and accidents focuses on
- Alcohol and adolescence focuses on
- Alcohol Genetics focuses on
- Alcohol withdrawal focuses on
- Diagnosis and treatment focuses on
- Epidemiology
- Fetal alcohol syndrome focuses on
- Medical complications
- Neurobiology focuses on
- Pharmacology and acute effects alcohol
- Regular drinking focuses on