How would genetic related lower NPY levels relate to stress induced alcohol drinking?

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  • In the amygdala NPY reduces the stress response and reduces alcohol drinking.

    A Genetic Variation in the Neuropeptide Y (NPY) Gene Produces Lower NPY Levels in CSF and Increased Arousal and Alcohol Drinking Following Separation Stress in Rhesus Monkeys with Early Life Adversity
    A Genetic Variation in the Neuropeptide Y (NPY) Gene Produces Lower NPY Levels i

    The single nucleotide polymorphism of T to G in the NPY regulatory region predicts the loss of a glucocorticoid response element half-site and predicts decreased NPY expression in the amygdala. NPY in the amygdala reduces the stress response and reduces alcohol drinking. Thus individuals with less NPY or less NPY response to stress are less resilient to stress and more vulnerable to increased alcohol drinking. Low early life adversity monkeys reared by their mothers did not demonstrate any effects of the SNP on NPY levels, response to stress or alcohol drinking during stress. (Constructed from data inLindell, S.G. et al. Arch Gen Psychiatry, 67: 423, 2010) ©2011 NBEP