How do adoption studies show that genetics and stress interact in 2 types of alcoholism?

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  • Adoption studies definitively demonstrate the importance of genetic factors in the development of alcohol abuse and they also allow for the separation of the role of environmental factors and genetic factors in the development of 2 types of adult alcohol abuse.Individuals with adult onset of alcohol problems who have low criminality and low novelty seeking and high harm avoidance, reward dependence and guilt after drinking require both environmental and genetic factors to develop alcohol abuse.Individuals with high criminality and high novelty seeking and low harm avoidance, reward dependence and guilt need only genetic factors to increase the risk of developing alcohol abuse (although adverse environmental factors also increase the risk of alcohol abuse in this group).

    Adoption Studies Reveal Both Genetic and Environmental Factors Contribute to the Development of Alcohol Abuse in Two Different Clinical Subgroups of Alcoholism
    Adoption Studies Reveal Both Genetic and Environmental Factors Contribute to the

    Type 1 alcoholism requires both genetic and environmental factors while Type 2 alcoholism only requires genetic factors to increase risk. From 577 men adopted in Gothenburg, Sweden before age 3, assessed at age 28-47.(Constructed from data in Sigvardsson, S. et al. Arch Gen Psychiatry, 53: 681, 1996)©2010 NBEP

  • Two types of alcoholism have been described that differ in age of onset, clinical characteristics and personality traits.

    Two Types of Alcoholism
    Two Types of Alcoholism

    (Constructed from data in Cloninger, C.R. et al. Science, 236: 410, 1987) ©2010 NBEP