Why would variations in nicotine receptors relate to alcohol use.

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  • Both nicotine and alcohol produce dopamine release and the combination of nicotine and alcohol produces even greater dopamine release.Thus, alterations in nicotine receptors could alter alcohol effects.

    A Lower Response to Alcohol Relates to Polymorphisms in the Nicotine Receptor Gene
    A Lower Response to Alcohol Relates to Polymorphisms in the Nicotine Receptor Ge

    A lower response to alcohol was defined as a lower body sway and lower subjective high 60 min. after drinking alcohol in 8 min. (for 70 kg male about 4 drinks and for 70 kg female about 3 drinks) and a self report of more drinks to reach a given effect when first started drinking. From 18 – 29 y.o. male and female siblingswhere at least 1 parent had alcohol related problems. Other single nucleotide polymorphism in the nicotine receptor gene also related to a lower response to alcohol. This RS 1051730 SNP also relates to nicotine dependence. This data indicates that variations in the nicotine receptor gene play a role in both nicotine and alcohol dependence.(Constructed from data in Joslyn, G. et al. PNAS, 105: 20368, 2008) ©2009 NBEP