Cite the diagnostic criteria for alcohol withdrawal.

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  • Withdrawal symptoms can vary in severity. The American Psychiatric Association defines alcohol withdrawal, as at least 2 symptoms that cause distress or impair function and that are not due to another medical or mental disorder. Criteria A and B need to be present.

  • A. Cessation or reduction of heavy and prolonged alcohol use.

    B. Two or more symptoms, developing within hours or a few days after stopping alcohol.

    (1) Autonomic hyperactivity- sweating, or tachycardia over 100 bpm.
    (2) Increased hand tremor.
    (3) Insomnia.
    (4) Nausea or vomiting.
    (5) Transient visual, tactile, or auditory hallucinations or illusions.
    (6) Psychomotor agitation.
    (7) Anxiety.
    (8) Tonic clonic seizure.

  • Other symptoms can include headache, low-grade fever, hyperventilation, hypertension, hyper-reflexia, disorientation and delirium.

  • Other medical causes of these symptoms need to be ruled out.