Are childhood and adolescent obesity really problems?

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  • The road to obesity/disordered eating begins before we are born.

    • Reference:Bocarsly ME, Barson JR, Hauca J, Boegel BG, Leibowitz SF, Avena NM. Effects of perinatal exposure to palatable diets on body weight and sensitivity to drugs of abuse in rats. Physiology & Behavior. 2012, doi:10.1016/j.physbeh.2012,04.024
    Diet During Pregnancy Effects Body Weight and Behavior
    Diet During Pregnancy Effects Body Weight and Behavior
    • Once we are born advertisements, sugared drinks, and fast food take hold quickly and firmly.
    Exposure to Foods Begins Early
    Exposure to Foods Begins Early
  • Fast Foods Add to the Problem

    Big Mac
    Big Mac
    • We have become a couch potato nation. Watching television, internet use, gaming systems such as Nintendo, etc. have taken the place of more physical activities.
    • Yes, childhood and adolescent obesity/disordered eating are major problems.
    Eating and TV
    Eating and TV
  • Candy and TV

    M&Ms and TV
    M&Ms and TV
  • Video Games do not Use Much Energy

    Too Many Video Games
    Too Many Video Games