- Childhood and adolescence are times when the developing brain is most vulnerable to being compromised, by alcohol, drugs, gambling, internet, and food.
- For decades, the assumption was that by 16-18 years old, a person’s brain was fully developed. Now, medical science knows that full neurological maturity continues into the mid-20s.
- During mid to late adolescence the nucleus accumbens (Nac) begins to mature more rapidly.
- The judgment part of the brain develops considerably later than the risk-taking and reward part of the brain.
- The sensations of pleasure and gratification can cause stronger reward seeking, and risky or impulsive behavior.
- Tapert SF, Schweinsburg AD. The human adolescent brain and alcohol use disorders. Recent developments in alcoholism. 2005; 17, 177-197.
Bocarsly ME, Barson JR, Hauca J, Boegel BG, Leibowitz SF, Avena NM. Effects of perinatal exposure to palatable diets on body weight and sensitivity to drugs of abuse in rats. Physiology & Behavior.