- Everyone – teen or adult – relies on a section of the brain known as the frontal lobes. When activated, the frontal lobes are a sort of emotional hub, controlling our emotions, aspects of our personality, certain motor skills and cognitive skills.
- They help us make decisions or judgments, curb impulses, and even make appropriate social, sexual, and personal connections.
- Think back to the picture you just saw of an adult and an adolescent brain and what brain sections they relied most on.
- An adolescent is more likely to read situations from an emotional point-of-view and react with emotion, rather than using logic or thinking things through. The results may be impulsive or risk-taking behavior.
Adolescent Brain
ReferenceTeitelbaum SA, Nias MF. Marijuana and the Adolescent Brain. In: Teitelbaum and Nias (eds.) Weed: Family Guide to Marijuana Myths and Facts. 2013. Gainesville, FL: University Press of Florida.
Adolescent Risk Taking
Skip to
- Why are childhood and adolescence high risk times for addiction of any kind?
- What is different about the teen brain?
- How does an adolescent brain work?
- Are childhood and adolescent obesity really problems?
- What is the prevalence of childhood and adolescent obesity/disordered eating?
- What is Portion Distortion?
- What preventive measures are being put into place for childhood and adolescent obesity
- What efforts is the government making to reduce childhood obesity?
- Summary-Childhood, Adolescence, Obesity, and Food Addiction
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