How could smoking increase drinking?

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  • Both nicotine and alcohol increase dopamine release in the nucleus accumbens and together they potentiate dopamine release.

    Nicotine Increases the Effects of Alcohol
    Nicotine Increases the Effects of Alcohol

    When nicotine is administered immediately after alcohol, it increases the release of dopamine in the nucleus accumbens shell adult male rats had microdialysis performed following alcohol (time 0 min), nicotine (time 60 min), and a repeat alcohol dose immediately followed by nicotine dose (time 120 min). The effect of the alcohol-nicotine combination was blocked by the nicotine antagonistmechamylamine. (Constructed from data in Tizabi, Y. et al. Alcohol and Alcoholism, 42: 413, 2007) ©2007 NBEP