In the USA, over 40,000 people die in traffic accidents each year. This is more than the 38,000 deaths of USA servicemen in the entire Korean war. In up to 40% of these deaths are alcohol related. The 18,000 alcohol-related traffic deaths each year is six times the number of people killed in the 9/11 attack on the world trade center. The 9/11 attack and the threat of terrorism launched the USA into 2 wars, yet the endemic problem of alcohol related traffic deaths which every year causes over 6 times the deaths as 9/11 remains largely unaddressed. These statistics document the magnitude of alcohol-related traffic deaths as a major public health problem that will require a major change in policy to be successfully in dealing with this major public health problem.
Almost Half of All Traffic Fatalities in the United States are Preventable
Alcohol related traffic fatalities (blood alcohol level at least 0.01 gm/100 ml) represent approximately 40 percent of all traffic fatalities. The yearly total number of traffic fatalities currently exceeds the number of Americans lost during the Korean War.(Constructed from data in and Fatality Analysis Reporting System, NHTSA) ©2008 NBEP
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- How does alcohol relate to accidents.
- What is the magnitude of alcohol-related traffic fatalities in the United States.
- How do blood-alcohol levels relate to the risk of a traffic accident.
- What time of day are drunk drivers on the road?
- How does alcohol change the number of crash fatalities in the day vs. night?
- How do traffic fatalities relate to alcohol consumed in different countries?
- How does the legal limit for blood alcohol relate to traffic fatilities?
- How could physicians change public policy to reduce alcohol-related traffic fatlilites?
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