What is the amount of alcohol use in women of childbearing age and pregnant women?

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    In women of childbearing age, 50% report alcohol use in the past month and 25% report binge drinking, with 5% reporting binge drinking on at least five days in the past month.
    Of pregnant women, 15% report drinking alcohol during pregnancy, 3% report high risk drinking (more than 7 drinks per week) and 10% report binge drinking in the first trimester.  Binge drinking during pregnancy is higher in women under 17 (9%) compared to women over 26 (4%).

    Alcohol Use during Pregnancy is a Preventable Cause of Fetal Death and Lifetime Illness for the Newborn
    Alcohol Use during Pregnancy is a Preventable Cause of Fetal Death and Lifetime

      In 1995 a study of 5,983 pregnant women found that 15.3% reported alcohol use during their pregnancy. Based on this estimate of exposure it is possible to project an estimate of the number of infants per year at risk for Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and Effects: which is 600,000 live births at risk per year.   Of these, approximately 1 in 5 (or 120,000) has a significantly higher risk based on greater frequency of prenatal exposure.   (Constructed from data in Ebrahim, S.H. et al. Obstet Gynecol 92:187, 1998 and http://www.americanpregnancy.org)