What countries have the highest and lowest prevalence of alcohol use?

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  • There is a wide variation in the amount of alcohol consumed across different countries, cultures and religions. In general there is much higher consumption in European countries and North America, and less in Asian countries and much less in the Middle East. There can be a 10 fold variation in per capita consumption between European countries and the Middle East.

    There is a large variation in alcohol comsumption across countries
    There is a large variation in alcohol consumption across countries

    Notice that 9000 ml/yr of pure alcohol equals 24.6 ml/day which is about 1.75 standard drinks/day per person. However since 37% of people in the USA do not drink, the rest of the population (the drinkers) consume close to 3 drinks per day. (Constructed from data in Koob, G. and LeMoal et al. Neurobiology of Addiction, 183, 2006) ©2008 NBEP