How Hard is it to Quit Smoking?

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  • Most people have tried smoking a cigarette, but only about 20% are regular smokers at present in the USA. Of smokers, up to 3/4 (75%) indicate that they would like to quit and about 40% are able to quit for at least 1 day. However, since only 3% are able to successfully quit each year, this emphasizes the powerful addictive quality of tobacco smoking. Since continued smoking produces such profound health risks, the central focus in tobacco addiction is to develope effective methods to help people quit.

    It is Difficult to Quit Smoking Without Help
    It is Difficult to Quit Smoking Without Help

    Smokers Have Difficulty Quitting on Their Own.Most smokers would like to quit and 40% do for at least 1 day, but most quitters relapse and only 3% successfully quit each year.(Constructed from data in Benowitz, N.L. et al. NEJM, 362: 2295 – 2303, 2010) ©2012 NBEP