How do nicotine and alcohol interact?

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    • After a drink of alcohol, smokers have an increased desire to smoke. Acetaldehyde, the major metabolite of alcohol, increases nicotine self-administration in rats. This may be an important mechanism involved in alcohols effect of increasing the desire to smoke.
    • Nicotine and alcohol both increase dopamine release in the nucleus accumbens and when given together there is a potentation of dopamine release. By smoking after alcohol the smoker can increase dopamine release and achieve greater pleasure.
    • Addition of acetaldehyde to nicotine increases nicotine self administration.
    Acetaldehyde and Nicotine
    Acetaldehyde and Nicotine

    In Adolescence, Acetaldehyde Increases Acquisition of Nicotine Self Administration and This Declines with Age, but Cocaine Self Administration Does Not Decline with Age.Juvenile and adult male rats were tested, without prior response training, in 5 daily 3hr self administration sessions with acetaldehyde 16 ug/kg/injection, nicotine 30 ug/kg/inj. or the combination at the same doses. The effects were mediated by central but not peripheral nicotine receptors. Cocaine was given at 250 ug/kg/inj. the 1st 2 days and at 750 ug/kg/inj. the last 3 days. (Constructed from data in Belluzzi, J.D. et al. NeuroPsychoPharmacology, 30: 705 – 712, 2005) ©2012 NBEP

    • The increase of dopamine release when nicotine is added to alcohol could explain why smokers like to smoke after an alcohol drink.
    Nicotine and Alcohol
    Nicotine and Alcohol